Registration for the Pop & Jazz Conservatory’s Music playschool, band workshop, and choirs has started!

Muskarin bandipajan ja kuorojen jatkoilmoittautuminen lukuvuodelle 2025 2026 on alkanut Esitysnetti

Sign up now for groups starting in August.

Music playschool is for children aged 0-6, adults and seniors who enjoy making music together. See playschool/ for more information.

Band workshops are open education groups for 7-12 year olds, where playing is the main activity! There are band workshops for all ages, including adults. There are also groups for those who have already chosen their own instrument. See for more details.

The choir is a fun, low-threshold musical activity for all children over 5 who are enthusiastic about singing. See for more information.

Welcome to the music hobby!

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